When do I need to File:

Partnerships (1065) and S-Corp (1120s): need to be filed by March 15th

Non-Profit (990), C-Corp (1120) and Personal (1040): need to be filed by April 15th

All Fiscal year returns need to be filed 5 months after the fiscal year ends.


When are Estimated Taxes Due:

1st Estimated is due April 15th

2nd Estimated is due June 15th

3rd Estimated is due September 15th

4th Estimated is due January 15th


When are Quarterly Business Taxes Due:

1st Quarter is due April 15th

2nd Quarter is due July 15th

3rd Quarter is due September 15th

4th Quarter is due January 15th


What is the maximum contribution to a 401k can someone make: For 2022 the max contribution is $ 20,000.00


What is the maximum contribution to a Traditional or Roth IRA can someone make: For 2022 the max contribution is $ 6,000.00.  If you are 50 or older at the end of the tax year you can contribute $ 7,000.00


What is the maximum contribution to a Sep IRA can someone make: For 2022 the max contribution is 25% of the employee salary with a max dollar value of $ 59,000.00


What is the maximum contribution to a Simple IRA can someone make: For 2022 the max contribution is $ 14,000.00. If you are 50 or older at the end of the tax year you can contribute $ 17,000.00