Monthly Posting plus Payroll Services


What the service includes:


We will post and reconcile all your monthly income and expenses based on the businesses categories.  We will set up a payroll program based on your request of weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly or monthly.  When you call, we will set up an initial visit and consultation that will last about 2-hours.  During this visit we will go over the corporate structure of your business.  We will discuss the type of service your business provides.  We will talk about the payroll program you want to set up and how many employees you currently employ.  We will discuss your monthly and quarterly payroll reports that are required.  We will go over what we will need to provide you are best service.  We will have an engagement letter of our expectations of you and what you can expect for our service.


What is the cost:


All prices are base prices and subject to change

  • Monthly posting of one account and 1-5 employees $ 225.00
  • Each additional Bank account or Credit Card account $ 75.00
  • Additional 1-5 employees $ 25.00


Please feel free to contact us for an appointment or with any of your tax questions


Ron Humphreys (410) 326-0198

Todd Humphreys (609) 203-6884